OBD Doors

Frequently asked questions

How much is the bath door and what is included?

The price starts from 1450 within County Dublin, Meath and Louth. For all other counties service charge will apply. The pice includes the door, installation service and a 5-year warranty on the door and workmanship.

What locations are covered by your service?

We do installations nationwide.

What is the order process?

We start the ordering process by a telephone or email conversation during which we collect the most important information about the bathtub and the installation itself. Then we set a convenient installation date, determine the opening direction of the door and answer all questions that may arise at this stage. We always ask you to send  2 photos of the bathtub (front and inside). Exact door fitting area is discussed on site on the installation day.

Do you need to come for the bathtub survey?

It is not necessary. During the ordering process, we obtain the most important parameters of the bathtub. If possible, please send 2 photos of the bathtub front and inside. This allows us to select appropriate doors that will be individually adjusted to a specific bathtub on site. Your bath photos do not have to be sent at the time of placing the order, they can be sent within a few days via WhatsApp, e-mail or standard text message.

What type of baths can you fit the door in?

We fit our OBD door into any bath type: acrylic, cast iron, steel, enamel. No matter material the bath is made of, also the shape of the bath is not a problem either- Corner baths, P shaped baths can be also converted.

I have a plastic/ wooden/ tiled front panel / Can the OBD door be installed?

Yes, it can. If the front panel is in good condition there is no need to replace it. 

How long does the installation take?

The installation is completed within a day , it is usually 5-6 hours.

How long do I need to wait after booking the installation?

The awaiting time is usually 2-4 weeks and depends on orders volume in specific locations.

What is covered by the warranty?

We provide a 5-year warranty for OBD Orthopaedic Door and the installation service. The warranty covers all defects related to the product and installation that are the result of the manufacturer’s and installer’s fault. The warranty does not cover damage resulting from improper use of the OBD Orthopedic Door.

What is the door made of ?

The door frame is made of special sanitary PCV and the door from special material which perfectly imitates real glass therefore is much safer.

What is the bathtub door dimension?

The OBD door width is 400mm/ 15.74″. The height is adjusted accordingly to every individual bath. The step in level depends on the original bath installation height. We always fit the door as low as possible.

Will the door leak after installation?

Our door is made of high quality components therefore are 100% watertight. Thanks to our installation process which requires a few layers of special water – resistant sealants. 

Can i fill up the bath with water after installation?

Yes, the door is fully watertight.

Who can benefit from the OBD door?

OBD door is for every person who finds dificulties while entering the bath. They are dedicated for elderly, disabled and all people with mobility problems.

How do you decide opening direction and placement of the door?

OBD door come with right and left opening direction, they always open inwards. We take into consideration your bathroom features like shower screen, basin etc. and decide what is the best place and the way they should open.

How easy is to open and close the door??

OBD door locking system has been designed that every person can easily close and open the door. In order to close the door we need to press down the handle, and to open the door lift the handle up.